Lughnasadh Eve to Lughnasadh
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2022-08-01 00:00:09 UTC
I am trying my global new age onset magickal workings again
at this solar holiday, which is also still in lunar terms an
auspicious time for new beginnings, since it is still
fairly early waxing crescent (I saw the waxing crescent for
the first time this lunar month 48 minutes ago).

I am giving details of this attempt in a thread of the
same name as this one on alt.religion.druid, so check
that group if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects.

In my last attempt, on the thread on alt.religion.druid
entitled "Morrigan/Kali Sara to new beginnings",
I explained some of my notation, and I probably
won't repeat that in the new thread.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
³Sunrise in the morning; Birds singing on every tree; A greeting and a
warning; The song that they're singing is `Be free!' " (Rawlins Cross)
Greg Carr
2022-08-08 13:40:24 UTC
Post by David Dalton
I am trying my global new age onset magickal workings again
at this solar holiday, which is also still in lunar terms an
auspicious time for new beginnings, since it is still
fairly early waxing crescent (I saw the waxing crescent for
the first time this lunar month 48 minutes ago).
I am giving details of this attempt in a thread of the
same name as this one on alt.religion.druid, so check
that group if you are interested, which I deem more
likely if you notice effects.
In my last attempt, on the thread on alt.religion.druid
entitled "Morrigan/Kali Sara to new beginnings",
I explained some of my notation, and I probably
won't repeat that in the new thread.
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
袖unrise in the morning; Birds singing on every tree; A greeting and a
warning; The song that they're singing is `Be free!' " (Rawlins Cross)
You are rejected you are not welcome. There are churches and spiritual centers in St. John's where you live are you a member of any? Your number of FB friends is declining and you had less than 50 to begin with. https://www.facebook.com/david.dalton.562329 not one person has posted on your FB timeline since 2021 just like on Google Groups you post things to it and then reply to it. You are a wispy, white haired creep who has posted of sexual attraction to children and your belief in ESP and you mock GOD on Google Groups and FB yet post in NGs that are aimed at ppl who do. You are a fail financially and socially and spiritually. The problem is not society or others it is you. On a personal level your choice of music sucks but I know many ppl like it. Why you bipolar idiot to you try to help couples when you yourself are single? "Physician heal thyself." Luke 4:23 You appear to be unemployed but your constant lying makes that hard to confirm.

David Dalton Is A Weirdo Who Lives Off Newfoundland Taxpayers A Research Assistant At Memorial University. He Is Bipolar And Believes In Casting Spells To Cure Covid And ESP And Telepaths And Communicating With Plants.
Greg Carr's profile photo
Greg Carr
Feb 15, 2021, 12:43:55 AM
https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-dalton-77359065/ I hope this isn't you because I am going to contact your employer with copies of your inane drivel or maybe this is another Jeff Hickling thing. Haven't seen that lying, fag on the Internet in a while I contacted his employer and union and the RCMP.

Geophysics? Doesn't your mumbo jumbo potpourii of nonsense allow you to find oil and other things? I know some big oil companies have a small list of diviners who use wood which they claim vibrates when there is oil or whatever.

https://twitter.com/davidraydalton?lang=en Tarot cards ???? Give me a break.


You have been a total failure on civvy street. Your education is better than mine but you tried for a Phd twice ten years apart and failed. I notice your majic, tarot cards stuff appears nowhere on this bio you created.

https://www.facebook.com/david.dalton.562329 The picture of the heart shaped amethyst was cool. Amethyst is a word in the Bible and if I ever have a daughter I will name her that. Only met two girls named Amethyst in my life and they were both hot. He has 42 FB friends none have posted to him this year.

David DALTON | Research Assistant | Doctor of Philosophy | Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's | Department of Earth Sciences You claim to have 16 publications and be a Dr. of Philosophy funny you haven't mentioned that before.

Romans 1:22
Professing to be wise, they became fools,

Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

Professional biography
(modified from IEEE Trans. AP, June, 1990)
David R. Dalton was born in St. John's (but is from Lake View), Newfoundland, Canada on February 17, 1964. He received the B.Sc. (Hon.) degree in Earth Sciences (Geophysics) in 1985 from Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. His B.Sc. thesis re-examined electromagnetic core-mantle coupling. During the summers of 1983 and 1985 he also worked in Memorial University field programs for collecting and processing gravity, magnetic and seismic data. He received the M.Sc. degree in 1988 from the University of British Columbia. His M.Sc. research examined exact and approximate solutions for acoustic diffraction by an edge. He has done research in the Ph.D. degree program at the University of British Columbia in the area of Integral Equation and hybrid techniques for acoustic scattering problems, but abandoned this in the fall of 1995. He has also done research in the Ph.D. degree program at Memorial University in the area of application of Fourier Integral Operators to seismic wavefield modelling, but abandoned this in late summer, 2004.

His geophysical corporate experience consists of one summer (1984) working with Chevron Canada in Calgary, doing seismic modeling, interpretation and some field work.

His music industry experience consists of four years as part-time audio engineer and booker/promoter/publicist/host for Friday night gigs at the UBC grad centre. This is related somewhat to the acoustical physics and digital signal processing research and education since audio engineering involves acoustical physics and digital signal processing, and so does geophysics.

Mr. Dalton has been a student member of each of the Canadian Applied Mathematics Society (CAMS), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Geophysical Union (AGU) the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU), the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG), the Geological Association of Canada (GAC), and the TeX Users Group (TUG).

David DALTON | Research Assistant | Doctor of Philosophy | Memorial Univ...
David DALTON, Research Assistant | Cited by 35 | of Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's | Read 16 pu...

evolution of SARS-CoV-2 (google.com)

My *funnel working causes a bounce for black magick
and a restoration of some of the white magick
than was broken by black magick breakage spells
(including some Christian rituals for breakage of
magick). That white magick includes some
indigeneous, tribal, and other species magick.

In my global region,
such rituals will now work only to break black
magick (magick with a negative goodness
measure as defined by each of my four local
main deities Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1).

All’s quiet here so far tonight, and I am beginning to think
that I was sucked into spamming a bunch of newsgroups
again last night to no avail. But new moon and
Chinese New Year are coming up.

We are experiencing a surge in cases here in the
metro St. John’s area, just before a provincial election,
but I have no evidence yet that they are all mild cases,
and I advise readers to not believe my last post
until there is genome sequencing evidence combined
with evidence of all mild cases.

In my global region,
such rituals will now work only to break black
magick (magick with a negative goodness
measure as defined by each of my four local
main deities Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1).

know that ideally we could learn to communicate acoustically
with cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) but that is
not yet possible (though I hope to research it in the future).

But I think that some of us may have mind to mind communication
abilities that would enable us to communicate telepathically
with cetaceans.

I don't have any such abilities beyond a low level though
perhaps I could improve what little I have by meditation
techniques and/or psychotropic drugs, but I am reluctant
to try such drugs since I have bipolar disorder.

If you think you might have such abilities could you
please try and contact the nearest (to you) whale,
dolphin or porpoise and pass on a greeting from me
(David Dalton in Newfoundland).

Ha, I wonder if the porpoises are cross porpoises.

communicating with dolphins, whales and porpoises (google.com)

Just do a Google Group/USENET search of David Dalton and ESP or precog or astral travel. The dude should be on welfare disability.