Greg Carr (and those like him) have rights
(too old to reply)
2020-12-08 18:52:35 UTC
law enforcement for his hate crimes against Jews and Blacks and Asians
this is their email. Be sure to include all headers if you can.
Actually I was quite flattered to learn that British Intelligence had
alt.flame.niggers under surveillance (2015):

(dead link)

"[S]hockingly dehumanising levels of hostility are given voice in the terms
used to describe and deride people from minority ethnic groups. For
example,many participants in newsgroups are clearly on a "mission of
hate",frequently describing black people as mud or "shit coloured". Just
days after the murder of James Byrd in the USA (dragged to death behind a
pick-up) on-line Identity Group adherents in the newsgroup
alt.politics.white were gloating over, justifying and celebrating the
murder of yet another black man by their fellow white racists."


AFN's netpage is still up: http://www.niggermania.co

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Greg Carr
2020-12-10 14:01:31 UTC
As usual your racism is abhorent and hopefully you will have an intellectual or spiritual change of heart some day.

However you sometimes post interesting stuff like those videos from Wuhan the MSM never broadcast.

Justice for George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Oluwatoyin "Toyin" Salau, Matthew Brooks, Ian Bush, Myles Gray.

Nothing to do with the above.


Dave Mulligan the admitted CERB fraudster and pot dealer makes death threats to ppl. Dude has never won a fight in his life. Makes profanity laced comments about law enforcement. Can't block his phone calls because he uses No Caller ID and according to Bell that can't be blocked. He is a red faced alcoholic and gambling addict who has repeatedly been evicted for non payment of rent as is/has his brother Joe Mulligan. They have shared a cell phone for years which of course Dave dropped into the toilet once ruining it.

1 236 889 1511 The Granny Rapers Phone 6 Times In 48 Hours Dave and Joe Mulligan Weirdo Rapists They Have Lost Custody Of Their Children The Pedophile? Protective Custody Rapists.

Whatever you chronically lying loser Gordon Radavich with no friends or family other than your morbidly obese wife.

Of course the immigrant failure guy in England Gordon Radavich defends fraudsters, scammers and chronic liars who sexually abuse senior citizen women. The Mulligan brothers are also racists like Gordon Radavitch towards Blacks using the N word. Like Radavitch they have no friends although unlike Radavitch their Mom still talks to them. She will probably be in a paupers grave by March. Like Radavitch they don't work. They are not anti-Semitic probably because they are to uneducated to know what a Jew is. The Mulligans don't even have a home computer or vehicle. Email me at ***@yahoo.ca if you want their pictures they are in Edmonton, AB.

https://www.facebook.com/joe.mulligan.33 his picture is on his convicted sex criminals brothers web page. Joe Mulligan told me he walked up to a "granny lady" and pulled her pants down. Both are scammers and fraudsters who owe money to people all over town.
More stupidity and crimes admitted to by Joe and Dave Mulligan.

These guys do their time in protective custody. Both are thieves and fraudsters. Joe Mulligan ratted out all his high school friends. He went to Centennial in 1997 in Coquitlam. Joe Mulligan is the only person I have ever met who was stabbed at his high school. They don't have any friends they have known more than 2 years. They are both alcoholics and gambling addicts. Whiny, lazy, bums, with bad backs, too stupid to do paperwork they are also thieves. They are racist towards Blacks and use the N word in private. They claim to live in the 13th and Kingsway area and now Edmonton, AB. They are chronic liars constantly trying to defraud ppl. Most of their family has disowned them. They don't know who there Dad is. No vehicles. They claim to have wives, girlfriends, mistresses, children but their web prescence shows no indication of any of that. The only pictures they have show them with bar waitresses and bartenders who of course are friendly because they want tips and the bar owner/manager wants business. They go to Hooters but not strip clubs go figure. They are around 5ft 5inches and Dave is pudgy.
Post by Byker
law enforcement for his hate crimes against Jews and Blacks and Asians
this is their email. Be sure to include all headers if you can.
Actually I was quite flattered to learn that British Intelligence had
(dead link)
"[S]hockingly dehumanising levels of hostility are given voice in the terms
used to describe and deride people from minority ethnic groups. For
example,many participants in newsgroups are clearly on a "mission of
hate",frequently describing black people as mud or "shit coloured". Just
days after the murder of James Byrd in the USA (dragged to death behind a
pick-up) on-line Identity Group adherents in the newsgroup
alt.politics.white were gloating over, justifying and celebrating the
murder of yet another black man by their fellow white racists."
AFN's netpage is still up: http://www.niggermania.co
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.