Trudeau is corrupt and inept a clown who has never made a payroll. He fails to keep promises with boring regularity. The opposition Tory party won 200k more votes than the Liberals. The Liberal minority govt is propped up the NDP led by Mr.Singh they are hopelessly in debt and actually sold their party hq in Ottawa and now lease it back. Singh has admitted he went to his rapist home many times when young. The homosexual rapist was being paid to train him in martial arts. He never told anyone even though an elected MP until his ass master died and couldn't hurt him anymore. Mr.Singh doesn't support the death penalty for homosexual sex acts or rape or pedophilia not my idea of leadership.
WE is a scam. They didn't even file their fiscals like other charities in Canada did last year. They recieved wage subsidy money even after they lied and said they were shutting down. The Keilburgers and their parents belong in jail. Trudeau, Telford, Butts, Chagger, Taggert and Hajdu and Tait and Michel Bissonette must resign. Alexandre (Sassy Sasha) Trudeau the mansion living brother of Justin and Maggie their pot smoking drug casualty cocaine and psilocybin bipolar, slut Mom must return all the money plus the expenses. $700k . Maggie the unattractive lives in a dingy Mtl apt. alone because no man wants her which because of her slovenly habits catches fire. Her sons Sacha and Justin with their inherited mansions and Justin's 2 million dollar Mercedes-Benz won't allow Maggie to live with them fearing for their children's lives. The Trudeau crooks gave tax payer dollars to WE to help out Mommy fornicator and the PM's rich brother. They are engaged in a total coverup heck it is now in plain sight (but hey Megan is on the outs with the Queen) and the RCMP and Toronto Police and CRA and OPP just cash their cheques and do nothing with the CBC headed by NYC living Tait along for the ride. SNC-Lavalin. The Admiral Mark Norman debacle where the Liberals trumped up criminal charges against him only to later retract and apologize and give him taxpayer hush money to stay quiet. 5 times the Liberals have been cited by their own appointed Ethics Commissioner in 5 years. DEFUND THE CBC it costs taxpayers 1.3 billion dollars a year to prop it up. Sell the CBC building in Vancouver to developers make it 20% affordable low cost housing and 10% for O.A.S. and disability welfare reciepients. Voting Tory. There is talk of a spring election.
Post by Byker